Information - Areas of Newport - Caerleon
Area profile
Caerleon is 3½ miles from Newport city centre and 5½ miles from Cwmbran. Caerleon is 2 miles north of the M4 motorway.
Historically housing was largely located between Caerleon Bridge and the University of Wales Caerleon Campus along with a small number of houses on the east bank of the River Usk. A number of substantial housing developments have been created to the West of Caerleon: Lodge Hill, Home Farm, Roman Reach, Trinity View, Brooklea and The Brades as well as smaller cluster developments near the centre of the village.
Caerleon Photos
There are no photos for this area.
Caerleon Properties
We don't have exact figures of Privately Rented accommodation in the area but research suggests:
There is a VERY HIGH availability.
Local Facilities

You can get more information on the area from the Newport Council site.
You can get information on Schools in this area here.
You can get information on local Health facilities here.