Shelter Cymru

0808 8004444

Caring Hands

Old School builidng

2 Powells Place


01633 244453

Citizens Advice Bureau

8 Corn Street


NP20 1DJ

01633 265688

Action Aid for the Disabled

01633 673212

Age Concern Gwent

01633 238295


0800 1111

CRUISE (for the bereaved)

0870 1671677

Gwent Association of Voluntary Organisation (GAVO)

01633 213229

Gwent Education Multi Ethnic Support Service

01633 255473

Young People: Advice & Information

01633 255031

Info Shop

01633 784054

Race Equality Helpline

01633 250006


0845 1304010

SSFA Forces Help (Gwent Branch)

01633 264530